Monday, December 23, 2019
Marijuana the Good Part - 1506 Words
Marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known. No one has ever died from an overdose, and it has a wide variety of therapeutic applications: Relief from nausea and increase of appetite; Reduction of eye pressure; Reduction of muscle spasms; Relief from mild to moderate chronic pain. Marijuana is frequently beneficial in the treatment of the following conditions: AIDS. Marijuana can reduce the nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite caused by the ailment itself and by treatment with AZT and other drugs. Glaucoma. Marijuana can reduce eye pressure, thereby alleviating the pain and slowing -- and sometimes stopping -- the progress of the condition. (Glaucoma is the leading†¦show more content†¦However, Congress still has the power to reschedule marijuana via legislation, regardless of the DEAs wishes. In 1975, Robert Randall, who suffers from glaucoma, was arrested for cultivating his own marijuana. He won his case by using the medical necessity defense, forcing the government to find a way to provide him with his medicine. As a result, the Investigational New Drug (IND) compassionate access program was established, enabling some patients to receive marijuana from the government. The program was grossly inadequate at helping the potentially millions of people who need medical marijuana: Most patients would never consider the idea that an illegal drug might be their best medicine. Most patients fortunate enough to discover marijuanas medicinal value did not discover the IND program. Most of those who did learn of the program could not find doctors willing to take on the arduous task of enrolling in and working through the IND program. In 1992, in response to a flood of new applications from AIDS patients, members of the Bush administration closed the program to all new applicants. On December 1, 1999, the Clinton administration implemented its medical marijuana policy restating that the IND program would not be reopened (as well as making medical marijuana research more difficult than ever). The IND program remains in operation only for the eight surviving previously approved patients. There is tremendousShow MoreRelatedMarijuana Dangerous To Your Physical Health Essay1422 Words  | 6 PagesRecreational use of marijuana has been going on for many years, and like cigarettes many people refuse to listen to health reports. More and more reports are coming out on the effects of marijuana on the body. Just how harmful marijuana can be is questionable. Some health reports state that it is very detrimental to the body while others are explaining how chemicals extracted from the marijuana plant are being used as medication. The problem is, just what are the effects, and how bad is itRead MoreMedical Marijuana As A Treatment For Different Diseases1676 Words  | 7 Pagesmedical marijuana as a treatment for different diseases. Recent research suggests that diseases like AIDS/HIV, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, Cancer, Crohn’s disease, Glaucoma, Multiple sclerosis and Epilepsy can be helped with Medical Marijuana. Therefore, given this information, federal government and states should lessen the restrictions on the usage of medical marijuana to help treat different diseases. Alcohol and Opiates were two of the most widely used substances for pain before medical marijuana. PeopleRead MoreHayden Hines. Prof. Hawk. Comp 2. 9 Am-9:50 Am. 5 May 2017.1040 Words  | 5 PagesHines Prof. Hawk Comp 2. 9 AM-9:50 AM 5 May 2017 Should marijuana be legal in the United States? There are many controversial topics being discussed in the United States today. Some will have more of an impact than others. Some you may have never even heard of. One of the major and most controversial topics in my opinion is whether or not marijuana should be legalized in the US. There are many factors that play a role in deciding if marijuana would be beneficial to our country. In this essay we willRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1565 Words  | 7 PagesThe topic of the legal use of marijuana in Canada is a highly debated issue, and with the incoming Liberal government pledging to consider the legalization, much debate is taking place among Canadians. The legalization of marijuana in Canada can benefit one’s health in a variety ways, which this paper will discuss. In Canada marijuana should be legalized provided that one is an adult, mentally sound to make one’s own decisions, and is living in a civilized society. This paper will provide backgroundRead M orePersuasive Essay : The Use Of Marijuana1368 Words  | 6 Pagesknow, you have to smoke more than 15,000 joints in less than 20 minutes to overdose on marijuana? That’s also physically impossible. Today, more than 1 in 3 people have tried the substance marijuana. People who try it might think smoking marijuana is cool. They might try it without knowing what it is or what affects is has on you. From pain relief to stimulating the appetites of patients on chemotherapy, marijuana seems to have plenty going for it as a medicine and also an illegal substance. OnceRead MorePositives And Negatives Of The Legalization Of Marijuana Essay1137 Words  | 5 Pagesnews forming around the legalization of marijuana in Colorado. Medical marijuana has been effective in Colorado since 2000. Now marijuana is legal for recreational use for people 21 and up. Many rules and regulations follow the legalization of marijuana. Many people of Colorado fear this legalization, where others are totally for it and think it will help boost Colorado’s economy. I have found many positives and negatives regarding the legalization of marijuana. According to Sherry Robinson, a syndicatedRead MoreMarijuan Is Everywhere1011 Words  | 4 Pageshear about marijuana all the time, from the morning news to the newspapers you read during the day. Everywhere you look there is something about marijuana, someone being arrested with it, or stories about how it should be legal. Marijuana is a big part of today world where you want it to or not, it is everywhere. In the news a person can hear about the war on drugs that was started back in the1970’s by President Nixon and although it is a war on all illegal drugs the major one is marijuana. It is theRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1715 Words  | 7 PagesMarijuana in Society Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (â€Å"Marijuana†1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel â€Å"high†or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (â€Å"Marijuana†1). Like mostRead MoreIssue on Marijuana Essay example658 Words  | 3 PagesLegalization of Marijuana in the United States is an ongoing topic that has been going on for several years. There are vast majority of Americans who are for this move and against this move. While each side has several good arguments to defend their case, neither one has a distinct advantage over the other. I will be going over several arguments or point of views as well will have several facts about the eff ects of Marijuana whether it is good or bad. Marijuana is a very prominent and controversialRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legalized Essay1605 Words  | 7 PagesTable of Contents I. Introduction to Cannabis II. The History of Marijuana III. The Prohibition IV. Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana V. The Medical Benefits of Marijuana VI. Marijuana vs. Alcohol and Tobacco VII. Marijuana Stimulates Creativity and Brain Cell Growth VIII. Conclusion Should marijuana be legalized for recreational and medical purposes? Thesis: Since marijuana is not harshly dangerous to one’s health nor is it a hard narcotic, it should be
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